Admission Arrangements

If you are interested in sending your child(ren) to our school, please contact us to make an appointment with the Office to visit the school and have a discussion with our Headteacher.

As a ‘C of E Controlled School’ the local education authority is our admissions authority and makes the final decision on admissions. There is a lot of information on the Gloucestershire County Council schools admission website, including details about online applications. You can also view our full Admissions Policy here.

Starting School

The School’s admission limit for our Reception class is 30. All children who will be 5 in the school year (1st September to 31st August) are eligible for admission in September.

Parents whose children have been accepted by the school will be invited to an informal meeting in June/July in preparation for starting school in the September. The meeting will include an opportunity to discuss anything you think relevant with the class teacher, a chance to buy items of uniform and an opportunity to meet other parents.

All children starting school for the first time in September are invited to join us for up to three ‘taster sessions’ in June and July so that they become familiar with our building, our routines, our staff and other children in their class.

At the beginning of September our Reception Teacher and Teaching Assistant will visit you and your child in your home – your child has the opportunity to confidently socialise with us in their own surroundings. Entry in September will be a gradual process and children generally attend for half days initially. By half term most children will be in school for full days, but this is always a matter of consultation between teachers and parents.

Moving School

We understand that children may need to join our school at times other than September and at ages other than 4 or 5. Once again, we would encourage you to visit us to discuss arrangements for starting school. We have plenty of experience of welcoming people to our community throughout the year.